Spas in Ireland

The Best Anti Aging Secrets

By , May 28, 2013

Do you love a morning cappuccino but dread the stain it will inevitably leave on your teeth? Cosmetic Dentist, Elisa Mello, recommends you drink it quickly. “If you sip over coffee for the course of an hour it keeps coating and recoating” So down that coffee fast to help keep your teeth pearly white.

Keep it Simple
Wash and moisturise twice a day everyday to keep your skin wrinkle-free and prevent blemishes. Remember to wash and moisturise every morning and night. Always be sure to apply a minimum SPF 15 to face and neck.

Don’t eat white sugar! It speeds up the aging process by binding to and eventually weakening the collagen in your skin and this can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging of your skin.

Hand care
A tell tale sign of age (or premature aging) is your hands. It is advised to treat your hands with the same skincare routine as your face. Every time you exfoliate or use a face mask remember to include your hands too.

Last but not least – a good nights’ sleep. Getting at least 6 hours sleep every night will help reduce premature aging and will also naturally increase your energy levels.


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