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8 Ways To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution

By , January 6, 2014

Every year we promise ourselves that this year will be different, that we will stick to that diet or go on those walks. But each year, we start out really well and after a few weeks our resolve and determination dwindles away, until we can’t even remember what our resolution was.

But this year CAN be different if you follow these 8 simple steps below:

1.    Realising that New Year’s Day is the same as any other day

While the whole point of a new year’s resolution is “new year, new me” or a fresh start, placing too much emphasis on the fact that you are going to change just because it’s a brand new day and a brand new year is unrealistic.

Try to stop thinking of the fact that it’s the new year that is making you change, and start thinking of it as the catalyst for change, because you really want to change.

2.    Stick to 1 or 2 realistic resolutions

Don’t bombard yourself with a list of unrealistic resolutions, pinpoint 1 or 2 that you can really see yourself achieving and focus on them.

Instead of picking the same old resolutions that you have failed on in previous years, choose an area in your life that needs an improvement rather than a complete radical change. For example:

  • Maybe you don’t spend enough time with your parents or don’t ring your family & friends often enough. Improving a relationship over the year might be more rewarding and realistic.

3.    Write it down and pin it up

Once you have firmly decided on your resolution, write it or them down.

Instead of having it as a nagging thought in the back of your mind, write it down and write how you plan to achieve it on a piece of paper and hang it up somewhere you can see every day.

This will make it seem more real and permanent.

4.    Big or small, it’s just as important

Some people make the excuse that they don’t have anything major they need to change, but just because your resolution isn’t life-changing or drastic doesn’t mean it’s less important.

Even the smallest of resolutions, such as taking up flossing or remembering to cleanse your face properly every day can have long-lasting rewards.

5.    Focus on 1 change at a time

Instead of trying to improve yourself and certain aspects of your life all at once, try to focus on one change at a time. This way you can give one resolution all your focus and determination, making it easier on yourself.

6.    Think positively, even when you don’t want to

Instead of saying “I really cannot be bothered going for a run”, instead think “I always feel so much better after  going for a run and I’m so happy I didn’t give up”.

It actually is true, you do always feel better if you follow through, and focusing on how it benefits you can really help keep you motivated.

7.    Tell your friends and family, support is key!              

Telling your friends and family about your resolution makes it more real, rather than just keeping it to yourself. They can provide you with support, praise and keep you focused on your goal, and why you want to achieve it when you feel like giving up.

8.    Reward yourself & celebrate your success

Remember it doesn’t always have to be hardship and struggle, you can take time off to celebrate your success and treat yourself. Of course, don’t choose something that goes against your resolution – like a glass of wine if you’re cutting down on drink.

Instead, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes or a pampering massage. You’ve earned it!


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