Spas in Ireland

Ireland’s Spa Directory

Join the top spas on Ireland’s Spa Directory and introduce your business to thousands of spa customers.

The directory features 230 Irish spas, beauty salons and skin care clinics. is the most visited spa website in Ireland, attracting customers who are looking to discover Ireland’s spas and best spa deals.

Member Testimonials

  • I have to say thanks for the great work you guys are doing with, we get lots of calls from people who have seen our profile and special offers on the site. Rainforest - Adrienne Sweeney - Director
  • We have found to be a valuable source of spa bookings Villa Rose Hotel & Spa - Leona McGee - Sales & Marketing Manager
  • The support staff are friendly and helpful and I would have no hesitations in recommending this as a suitable advertising medium for your spa. Villa Rose Hotel & Spa - Leona McGee - Sales & Marketing Manager
  • plays an important and valuable role in our on-line marketing campaign for the Spa at Courtyard. The Spa at Courtyard Marriott, Galway - Melissa O'Neill - Spa Manager

Be Part of Ireland's Spa Directory

Directory members will also benefit from:

  • Active promotion of your spa brand across the platform & Social Media
  • #1 presence on key Google SERPs
  • Positioning your brand alongside Ireland’s top spas

To feature on Ireland’s Spa Directory, call Zuzanna on 01 9022233 or email us at